
Showing posts from 2016

What is Success?

Good evening everyone! I was busy somewhere, but suddenly in my mind a generic question comes WHAT IS Success? How to all people think about this? I started to listen myself and found..... 1) You are Success if you help others. 2) You are too Success if your closest people's started to say you are mad to achieve your goal. :) 3) You are Success if all of your friends, relatives, well-wishers always come with you. 4)You are Success when everyone talking about you, about your zeal and good sprite.  5)You are Success when you able to make eye contact and says I am Success'. 6)You are Success when you listen your heart and doing your best for his goal, country and new generations.  7)You are Success when your enemies praise your's.  8)You are Success when you feel happy, energetic and think positive.  9)You are Success if you live simple and you don't receive proud after being powerful as well as you are a social and valuable person, e.g. Lat...

Mind and Negativity ?

Today I was standing outside, One of my friend call me and ask to meet. I went, and drink coffee together. After that he asked me Brother! Why do you not drink not smoke and not eat non-veg .. 'You are cow'. I laughed and illustrate. Dear brother, Do you know about mind and Negativity ? Replied : not exactly please explain. IT appears to give you pleasure but infact give you pain that is you call by something negative... right? Other way it's against social, traditional, spirituality and nonviolence as well as science.. Make the right choices and being Vegetarian in Hinduism. Don't think destruction about any creature as much as possible. If you eat Veg your estrogen levels are lower and you are less aggressive.  People of remain vegetarian is good thing for human being. Our consensus never allow us to do this . Thanks,  Er. Deepesh Tripathi