Need Some Changes in Basic Education

The Views Of Basic Changes
Recently the Yogi Adityanath Government in Uttar Pradesh has reportedly made an
announcement to end caste-based reservations in private medical colleges and dental colleges in the state, which is respectful. A part of this Mr. Yogi working on many valuable changes over educational, Medical, Administrations, professional and other departments from ground level to development in the UP.
1) In my opinion first thing as my thinking is our basic education, we have need to modify the culture of education in primary level. I am sure our views to affect the primary education in our state to make it better.
As we know that near around 94 % children taking education in primary school who belongs only from backward/SC/ST and in 6% only general candidates. Why this happening today?
i Is it reason to be poor? not in all cases.
ii Or it's a mental tendency that educated person are not sending their child in primary school? If yes, then why? Is other caste is not educated?
iii Why are villagers only sending their child in primary other's not?
iv Even gov providing free education, foods, dress, school bags and books, but strength of primary is very poor in comparison of private schools, why?
These are very basic questions which answers to affect or primary educations very well.
2) What guardians or educated people think: I think everyone want to give the best education to their child to make them success in each condition either they poor or rich.
i Educated people do not want to compromise to teach their children's in the best school ( CBSE/ICSE educational pattern, Enough and educated teaching facility, Facility for sitting, toilet, extra activity, caring and conveyance facilities, etc .,)
ii They invest very much over their child in basic education, fooding-lodging, living style, conveyance because they know that if their base will be strong and they have good mentality, high and positive thinking which is part of a strong development of their growing life.
iii A part of this they never want to their child feel and face any pressure in their carrier, and always think about their child the best impression from school, family and social environment.
3) What gov primary schools have these days....?
i Most of children’s who belong from educated background or they are not able to give their children's educations! in good private schools or only their children admission in primary school and their child goes in private schools.
ii No Furniture (desk, bench), only 1-2 teachers for all the classes, no lights, no fans, no proper toilets, no swiper's as well as not a good arrangement of drinking water.
iii Most students come for dress, bags, foods other gov facilities like pots (thali, glass etc.,) and each student's products have commission from upper to lower level officer so they do not find quality products, and each time they and their parents focus above gov facilities in place of study.
iv Most of cases Pradhanacharya and Pradhan care about MDM nth else, if they have 30 children present then, they update approx 100 more than 3 -4 times for their profit.
v Only children of primary schools do not come to school on cropping season, they work as helping hand to his/her parent's work. How we convince their parents and ask them to Stop Child Labour?? Parents and officers want best results of children's ?. How it is possible in absence of facilities and children’s ?
4) What are best solutions to make it better...
i In my opinion, they should merge all primary and middle schools of 5 km in single primary school with their teaching facility, so the best teacher would be belonged to a single school and they can manage all the classes properly. Gov can save the many places and mange easily the school in single place.
ii Provide them conveyance, so they can reach their school daily, this makes them more curious to reach school.
iii MDM should be closed, and each student has a smart card which belongs to them/their parents/guardians adhar card no and account no. So, they can find direct and proper befits from Gov.
iv If possible, then Gov should provide Biometric machine for both teachers and students daily attendance (student can use their card).
v Dress code of students should be attractive and colorful, not as Khaki Verdi. Dress code would be 5 days only and one day should be flexible.
vi Minor punishment (disciplines) and fail system is necessary to make the education better.
vii Teachers should be professional, and removing conditions of jeans and caller T-shirt is good because according to global development all guardians and educated people like it. They should be worn which makes them comfortable; more focus should be only on quality educations and productivity.
viii Gov should pass a law that teachers should be the place in their block within 10-12 km max from their home or nearest, so they can save their time and reach easily, safe and in time to their schools.
ix We should make our basic education too better that in future no one person should ask for reservations.
x Kindly open your view which comes in your entire mind, I'll share all our views on upper level to make the education better.V
*** A single idea can change everything ***
Thanks & Regards 20/4/2017 Er. Deepesh Tripathi


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